I'm back...

07/09/2011 21:24

Well, I have had quite an interesting few days with my computer.  For some reason, my website and blog platform all of a sudden changed to Spanish.  Anytime I tried to login to post or edit, I couldn't read anything.  Needless to say, I didn't want to guess what all of those buttons meant and risk deleting my whole site so I didn't post at all.  I really wish I had learned Spanish when I was younger, but this was not the time to learn.  Anyway, it seems to be working okay for now so I am going to try to get caught up on my posts tomorrow.  I will try to consolidate them so that I do not overload your RSS feed or Facebook page with a million different posts.  Ok, enough of my rambling - I just wanted to let you know why I suddenly stopped posting.


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